Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mission Setup: Recover the Supplies

The Core Set comes with 4 different Objective Cards. Understanding these cards is of paramount importance since whoever plays the objective better wins. Here is a discussion of Recover the Supplies.

Recover the Supplies

Setup: Place 1 unclaimed objective token on the center of the battlefield. Then, starting with the blue player, players alternate placing 4 more unclaimed objective tokens on the battlefield. Each token must be placed beyond range 1 of each deployment zone and beyond range 1 of any other objective tokens. All trooper units gain: "Claim [action]  (Claim an objective token that is in base contact with your unit leader.)".

Victory: At the end of the game each player gains 1 victory token for each objective token that is claimed by 1 of their units.

When playing Recover the Supplies a total of 5 objective tokens will be in play. One of these will be placed at the center of the battlefield, while players will take turns placing the remaining 4. It should be quite easy for each player to claim the 2 tokens they placed themselves; consequently, whichever player claims the center token first can seize a scoring advantage.

When trying to determine which player benefits most from this objective, consider unit speed, terrain, and suppression.

Unit Speed- Obviously if you have at least 1 trooper unit that is faster than any of your opponents you may be able to reach the center objective token first. Boba Fett, the king of mobility, should have an easy time beating an army of Snowtroopers and Darth Vader to the center. However, most games probably won't be quite so clear cut. Keep in mind other effects that can facilitate faster movement: units with the Scout keyword, like Rebel Commandos, can get a good head start; Command Cards like No Time for Sorrows or New Ways to Motivate Them can give troopers a speed boost; upgrades like Environmental Gear or keywords like Jump can allow a unit to navigate a more direct path.

Terrain- If the battlefield is asymmetrical, particularly the central portion, its possible that one player will have a longer or more difficult route to the center token. In this case, the blue player may be able to gain an advantage, as they will have chosen which side of the table they set up on. Of course, just how big of an advantage this is will depend on the exact distribution of terrain pieces and what deployment zone is used. In many cases the difference will be negligible, but every now and then the geography of the battlefield may clearly favor approaching the center from one side but not the other.

Suppression- Suppressing enemy trooper units will slow them down, as they will be limited to only 1 action during their activation. Obviously, both sides will have means to suppress enemy troopers, but its possible one player will be able to deal out suppression tokens sooner and more consistently. For example, the AT-ST Mortar Launcher is both long ranged and has the Suppressive keyword; if a player has this at their disposal they can begin suppressing enemy units during the first turn of the game. Concentrating fire on whichever enemy trooper unit is best positioned to reach the center token should either delay its advance enough for you to get there first, or whittle it down so that you can defeat it soon after claiming the token.

As a reminder, claimed tokens will move with the unit that claims it, being placed in base contact with the unit leader. If that unit is panicked or defeated, then the token stays on the battlefield, flipped to the unclaimed side, and placed back in base contact with the panicked or defeated unit leader mini before said mini moves or is removed from play. The token will then be unclaimed once again.

What this means is that even if your opponent has managed to claim more objective tokens than you, you can still swing things back into your favor, provided you have enough means to defeat or panic their troopers. If you feel you have enough firepower and survivability to win a contest of attrition, you might not even want to race after the center objective, instead focusing on destroying enemy units.

Conversely, if you have claimed the majority of the objective tokens, you should look to keep your trooper units carrying tokens out of harm's way. Moving out of range (or out of line-of-sight) of enemy attacks, getting into heavy cover, and prioritizing the dodge action can help you to preserve your advantage and win.

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