Thursday, December 21, 2017

Mission Setup: Intercept the Transmissions

The Core Set comes with 4 different Objective Cards. Understanding these cards is of paramount importance since whoever plays the objective better wins. Here are some thoughts on Intercept the Transmissions.

Intercept the Transmissions

Setup: Place 1 objective token on the center of the battlefield. Then place 1 objective token halfway between the center token and the left short edge of the battlefield. Then place 1 objective token halfway between the center token and the right short edge of the battlefield.

Victory: At the end of rounds 2 and 4, each player gains 1 victory token for each objective token they control. At the end of the game, each player gains 2 victory tokens for each objective they control. A player controls an objective token if they have more trooper unit leaders at range 1 of that token than any other player.

In this objective there are 3 fixed locations that must be controlled in order to score victory tokens. There are also 3 windows of time in which they are gained, though controlling an objective at end of the game yields 2 tokens instead of 1. This means that up to 12 victory tokens can be scored total.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

General Veers and Snowtroopers Announced!

Fantasy Flight Games has announced 2 more expansions for the Empire: General Veers and Snowtroopers! While expansion announcements are always significant, this is of particular interest because it includes the first commander expansion.

A look at General Veers gives us a clearer picture of what to expect from future commander expansions in terms of items included and price, as well as the types of stats and abilities we can expect from commanders that aren't force users. It also goes a long way to introducing more variety into the game; once General Veers is released we will no longer be limited to always seeing Vader in every game. So let's take a look at the precedents that Veers sets for commander expansions.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Unit Guides: Rebel Troopers

Rebel Troopers are the mainstay of Alliance armies in Star Wars: Legion. Not only are they they cheapest unit to field, they are also essential for victory.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Mission Setup: Breakthrough

The Core Set comes with 4 different Objective Cards. Understanding these cards is of paramount importance since whoever plays the objective better wins. I will examine each of these, beginning with Breakthrough.


Victory: At the end of the game, each player gains 1 victory token for each of their unit leaders within an enemy deployment zone.

Breakthrough is unique in that the maximum number of victory tokens for each player will depend on their army composition. In general this objective favors a larger number of units with some measure of mobility. If you have fewer units than your opponent or your army is geared toward hunkering down rather than maneuvering than you may want to eliminate this possibility early on.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Unit Guides: Stormtroopers

Stormtroopers are the backbone of the Imperial Army. Faceless, numberless, and ubiquitous, they impose the Emperor's will throughout the galaxy. In Legion, how effectively you use your stormtroopers may likely be the difference between victory and defeat.

"Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise." Yeah, right...

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Unit Guides: Luke Skywalker

"You'll find I'm full of surprises."

Luke Skywalker is the only commander available to the Rebel Alliance at this time. While not as powerful or durable as Darth Vader, he is still one of the strongest units in the game, as well as one of the most versatile.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Armies on a Budget: A (Provisional) Buying Guide

Though the game has only just released, you may already thinking about what expansions you want to buy. Below I've created a list of each expansion you can buy with an estimation of how many army points that expansion includes. The lower army points value is the unit without any upgrades, while the higher value represents a heavily upgraded unit.